Wednesday 28 January 2009

What's it all about, foodie?!?!

We're all a bit food obsessed these days, aren't we? It certainly seems to be the case that the majority of us who don't want to be famous, want to cook, eat, or both. I'm a thirtysomething communications professional and am lucky enough to spend a reasonable amount of time eating out in London, and sometimes am fortunate that someone else is picking up the bill. However, I live in the home counties and move around a bit too. I'm often frustrated by people who think that the big smoke is the only place where you can get something decent to's just not true! It's equally the case that you don't have to go to some gastronomic haven to have a good time - the food certainly plays a significant role but so many other factors contribute to the overall experience...service, atmosphere, value and many other things can all have an impact on whether you walk out of a pub or restaurant feeling like your expectations were met.

We all know the word of mouth rule - if you don't like something, you tell many people, but if you do like it, you'll probably only mention it in very British! Well, I want to tell it all - the good, the bad and the ugly! Gastronomes be warned...this won't be all Michelin chefs and amuse-bouches...this is all about eating out as it is today, from a quick sandwich to a multi-course culinary adventure. I might even include a few other random musings as I go...sticking to my subject never was my strong point!

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